Using email blasts to help with boosting potential revenue and popularity of  a website or a business can be done regardless of the type of site you are managing. When you are planning to implement your own newsletter that sends email blasts, there are a few tips and tricks available to help you with executing a successful campaign. Planning a successful email blast will help you to reach your intended audience on a personal level while also giving you the opportunity to share any message, news or newly-released product  or service you are advertising.
Knowing Your Subscribers
Understanding the demographic of your readers and the type of content they are most interested in can help you when you are planning an email blast to send. Gather information on your readers’ ages, genders and even reasons for subscribing if possible to determining whether your followers prefer news and updates or promotional offers and coupons from your company. Using a tracking program to determine the location of your readers and the frequency of their visits is a way to gain insight into the type of email blasts you should formulate when you are launching a new marketing plan.
Track Your Readership
Knowing just how many subscribers and readers you have for your newsletter each week or month will help you to determine how many messages will be sent out as well as whether or not your readership is increasing, decreasing or even staying the same. When you add a newsletter option to your website, ensure it is capable of tracking the number of subscribers you have during set periods of time to gain the most insight possible into your readership and the overall growth of the subscribers you have for your website, as well as tracking open rates and other insightful metrics.
Planning the Email Blasts Ahead of Time
Before you send an email blast to any number of your subscribers, planning the content you want to present and the message you are looking to send can help you to feel prepared while ensuring you are covering all aspects and details surrounding the news, update or even a promotion you want to share with your readers. Planning email blasts weeks or months in advance is also recommended if you have many events, promotions and newly-released products or services during the year and you are in need of organizing any newsletter campaigns.
Create a schedule that represents how frequently you plan to send the email blasts to your subscribers so you are able to easily maintain consistency when it is time to send news or updates about the website and brand you are representing.
Review Your Campaigns
Avoid sending an entire email blast without reading, reviewing and editing the newsletter itself beforehand. Ensuring your email blast is as professional and grammatically-correct before sending it to your readers to boost your brand’s reputation and overall credibility with those who may be interested in the services and products you have to offer. Have employees or family and friends review the email blasts you have put together to check for any specific errors or missing information that should be placed within the campaign itself before you choose to send it out.
Include Incentives
When you are sending a newsletter email blast to your subscribers, consider adding a promotion, coupon or some type of discount into the message itself exclusively available only for those who are current active subscribers on the list. By offering exclusive deals, you are likely to increase your readership and keep your followers actively reading your messages each time one appears in their own inbox. By providing coupons or special promotions to your readers, you will also gain additional customer loyalty and the ability to gain more referrals.
Drew Hendricks (@DrewAHendricks) is a tech, social media and environmental addict. He’s written for many major publishers such as National Geographic and Technorati. Follow him at