Keyword Research and Competitive Strategy

Content Gap Analysis

Content Gap analysis will help you to see exactly where you are winning, and where you are not. No matter how optimized your site is, there are always untapped opportunities. Find them with Content Gap.

Identifying gaps within your content has never been easier

We get it, you’re busy, and you need a solution to not only identify where your tracked competitors are winning but also a methodology to help select which queries should be prioritized for optimization.

Our gap analysis tool runs daily, serving up a fresh batch of “here’s exactly what you should be improving.”

Our filters compartmentalize data into digestible segments

Filter your entire portfolio, or select specific keyword groups, then slice your data with the following options.

  • Winning – Simply put, your domain has the best rank compared to your tracked competitors
  • Losing – At least one tracked competitor ranks higher than your domain
  • Owned – Your domain has the highest average rank for the selected timeframe (great for reporting)
  • Invade – Your domain’s average rank is below position 10, but at least one tracked competitor is in position 1-10 (essentially content you should be targeting for improvement) 
  • Opportunity – Your domain doesn’t rank (50+), but at least one of your competitors does (another opportunity segment worth reviewing)

Create actionable lists and monitor improvement

Once you’ve reviewed the data and decided on a segment or segments for optimization, save the keywords as a group and utilize the custom reporting center to monitor progress and configure ranking alert notifications, so you’ll know exactly when changes in visibility occur.

Have questions? Schedule a discovery call!

The needs surrounding SEO for any business depend on a wide range of factors and impact almost every other area of the business if you want to get it right. Let's chat so we can build a customized roadmap to success for your team.