SERP Rewind

Compare SERP History and Device Changes

Whenever there is a change in rankings or search engine visibility, your first question is “what happened?” SERP Rewind provides the answer with a single click. Click on any keyword anywhere in the platform and be taken instantly to a single keyword view, from which you can see the entire SERP history.

SERP Rewind shows you the impact that SERP changes has on your traffic and revenue

The evolution of the SERP is never-ending. And it is accelerating. Simply tracking rankings used to be enough in order to make reasonable predictions about CTRs and organic search traffic. 

No more. 

You need to understand the shape of the SERP and there is no better tool than SERP Rewind to visualize it, compare with previous versions, benchmark across devices, and so much more.

Full HTML Archives of the SERP

When your traffic and revenue is on the line, accept no substitutes but the actual fetched SERP used for your keyword tracking and monitoring. We archive the same SERP HTML that our ranking and reporting systems use so you can see exactly what happened. All with a single click on the keyword.

Detailed analysis of the SERP

In addition to the full HTML, we parse out the most relevant aspects of the SERP so you can easily analyze actionable details such as titles and meta descriptions across all of the search engines you monitor, all at a glance. 

Export this data to CSV, databases, and more to make it yours.

Exportable to databases and data warehouses

Ok, now take that data and turn it into action. 

We provide a ton of data analysis tools right within DemandSphere on the SERPs but sometimes you want to do even more with it, in any tool or database of your choice. 

Our easy to use export tools and APIs allow you to get anything from your SERP that you need. 

Turn your data into actionable pipelines of intelligence so that your team moves faster than the rest.

Integrate and test with our SERP API

Speaking of our API, we even provide the parsed JSON that we use in our reporting directly in SERP Rewind. 

This a quick and easy way to build analysis on top of our data via our API while being able to quickly filter through all of your keywords in order to make sure you get what you’re seeking.

Integrated with SERP Intelligence

One of the best things about SERP Rewind is that it is deeply integrated with the entire data pipeline for SERP Intelligence. 

SERP Intelligence is our data warehouse product that takes SERP analysis to levels previously unheard of. SERP Rewind is the daily snapshot view of the raw product our data mining processes use in order to generate the deepest picture of the SERPs across any volume of keywords you can throw at it.

Have questions? Schedule a discovery call!

The needs surrounding SEO for any business depend on a wide range of factors and impact almost every other area of the business if you want to get it right. Let's chat so we can build a customized roadmap to success for your team.