One of our primary goals at GinzaMetrics has always been to provide the most recent and relevant insights to our customers. We’ve done this since day one with daily tracking by default for large site and keyword portfolios.
The world moves too fast now to rely on weekly ranking and analytics reports — they are often out of date by the time they arrive. We believe in this so strongly, that we’ve written a report explaining the Seven Reasons to Track Keyword Rankings Daily.
We’ve now taken this one step further by deploying the first – of many to come – real-time enabled features.
One of the reasons we’ve been able to achieve such scale with our existing daily insights has been due to the way we’ve architected our platform on the latest distributed processing technologies. Over the last few years, further advances have been made in real time, streaming technologies and we’ve begun investing heavily in evolving our platform architecture to take advantage of them.
Our first release on this updated architecture is a simple but powerful one: real-time rankings for new sites.
GinzaMetrics has always made it easy to set up a new site in a matter of minutes, but there was a 24-hour lag between setting up your site and getting your first results. With this new release, getting ranking insights on new sites has been reduced to mere minutes. This helps our agency customers win new business by using our insights in new client prospecting efforts. In-house marketers can drastically reduce the time to ROI by getting a new site implemented and creating reports immediately.
We’re excited about this new release and are committed to real time as the next generation of technology-enabled search and content marketing intelligence. With lots more to come this year we are looking forward to hearing how you like what we’re building.