Google Webmaster Tools has become an essential tool for marketers and site managers because it provides an objective glimpse into how Google’s search engine views sites on the web. Over the last few months, it has become an increasingly important way to get keyword-level insights, due to the changes in secure search and lack of availability of this data in Google Analytics.
In response to both the changes in secure search and also out of a desire to provide marketers with the most relevant insights possible, GinzaMetrics has released integration with Google Webmaster Tools.
Because not all of the information that GWT provides is available via their API, integration with GinzaMetrics is a two-step process. The first step involves authenticating your GWT account with GinzaMetrics, in the same way that you would connect Google Analytics. The second step involves adding a special user that we’ve created to your GWT account, for any site that you wish to connect. That’s pretty much it. We’ve tried to make this process as simple as possible, but our friendly support team is standing by in case you run into any trouble.
Once you have connected your GWT account, you’ll be able to do a few great things:
Discover and import traffic-driving keywords directly from your GWT account
Act on your performance metrics coming from GWT (average position, impressions, click through rate, etc.) directly within GinzaMetrics.
Get a more holistic picture of your rankings and keyword level traffic with a combination of actual ranking data / traffic projections and GWT rank estimates.
Future releases will provide even more benefits to your GinzaMetrics / GWT integration, including comprehensive insights on indexing, sitemaps, backlinks, content, alerts and more. The best thing is, if you connect your GWT now, you won’t have to do anything more to take advantage of these new features when they are available!