The Importance of Making Better Marketing Tools is to Have Input on Product Development

The Importance of Making Better Marketing Tools is to Have Input on Product Development

As a marketer, our energies are often spread over a variety of tasks. We are constantly concerned with tracking our progress through metrics, developing strategies to create authentic and effective content, and all the while keeping an eye on KPIs and goals.  All this requires a system of marketing that spans channels and various teams.
We often hear from clients and fellow marketing professionals that they face challenges beyond the tactical elements of sending email or writing blog posts, to the management of strategy, teams, and reporting at their department and company level. Enter the age of the marketing tool – a slew of new tools are constantly cropping up, promising easy fixes or faster conversions.
Cobbling all these tools together can be a full time job. The marketing mix is exploding and there are a myriad of products to manage all the elements, including: email, social media, editorial calendars, website, advertising, and more.
With all of this innovation comes more tools, but more isn’t always better. We need to make sure what’s created really matches the needs of the industry, and are customizable to the specific challenges you face.
At GinzaMetrics, we think that hearing from you is the first step to innovation. We want to understand you and your working environment, know what solutions will help solve your problems and meet your goals.
We’ve developed a short (less than 10 question) survey to help us gauge how we can start making better tools for the future. It’s anonymous so feel free to write in challenges or specific points if you like.
Please take three minutes to answer a few questions and we promise we’ll not only share our findings but we will use them to build something better too.
Take the survey here.