In this world of 140 characters or less, there is still a place for those of us who enjoy both storytelling and analytics. In fact, technology only increases the number of tools that marketers have—websites, blogs, social media, video, photos, etc. Just as exciting, marketers have tools that can help us continually improve our messaging and grow findability so we can help our businesses reach more people in need of our services.
I recently came across the infographic below that illustrates the need for today’s marketers to wear two hats—artist and scientist. This visual made me reflect on why I love marketing. It blends two very different parts of the brain.
My father, a science teacher, always challenged me to experiment and analyze results. He had detailed answers to questions like, “Why is the sky blue?” That made me data-driven, curious and I always had the best science fair projects.
My mom, a librarian, introduced me to the world of books. Reading helped develop my healthy imagination. Not surprisingly, it inspired me to be a writer. I also spent a lot of time with my grandmother who is good at basically everything she does, but I view her as an artist because we spent hours at the piano, making up stories and drawing. She encouraged creativity.
Growing up, I felt torn. Do I read this Babysitter’s Club book, or do I watch Bill Nye The Science Guy?
Truth be told, I wanted to do both. But once I got closer to college, I was told I had to choose. At first, I went with science and majored in pharmacy. Then, I realized that what really made me happy was writing, so I switched over to journalism. My first job out of school was in communications at software company, so I found a way to blend those worlds, and I haven’t looked back.
It’s great to look at the infographic and know that I’m not alone in feeling torn between more artistic interests and analytics. It’s actually desirable.