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GinzaMetrics PDF Reporting Feature Improved

GinzaMetrics PDF Reporting Feature Improved

Today we’re announcing some massive improvements for our PDF Reporting feature, which brings additional enhancements to the GinzaMetrics Workflow & Reporting suite for our search and marketing users.
GinzaMetrics has offered users a customized report builder since last year, and it has been used by many of our agency customers to deliver personalized reports to their clients. In-house marketing managers have also used the feature quite a bit to automate the process of keeping their stakeholders informed of success on the most recent marketing campaigns, changes to their findability, ongoing tasks and more.
While the reporting process was flexible, the PDF reports that the platform generated left much to be desired in terms of usability and aesthetics. This release fixes many of these problems, as well as adds additional functionality.

Landscape Rendering

It’s a new year, it’s a new view! Previously, all reports were exported in portrait, confining all of your beautiful data to a narrower space. Starting now, all reports are generated in landscape mode, allowing each of the reporting modules more room to breathe and easier data visibility.

Standardized and Improved Font Rendering

Another upgrade in this release is standardized fonts for all of the reporting modules. The table rendering has been rewritten and cleaned up and the visual quality of rank deltas, etc. has been improved. In short – things look awesome.

Section Headers Improved and Optional Captions Added

Previously, each section header took up lots of vertical space, so they have been reformatted to render horizontally. Additional horizontal rules have been added to each section header to break things up visually. Finally, you can now add personalized explanations to each section, helping your clients and stakeholders understand what they’re seeing.
Log in now to take advantage of the updated PDF reporting capabilities.