The GinzaMetrics team is happy to announce the availability of new competitor reports for our users. The new features are available in group view as well as trended rank view.
These updates are the result of continued effort to provide deeper insight into competitor and industry trends, so that you can maximize your own SEO and content marketing efforts with your GinzaMetrics account.
Group View Competitor Report
This view provides insight into where your competitors are ranking within your groups. A recently added drill-down feature also allows you to easily see exactly which keywords and competitor landing page URLs are within the selected search engine ranking ranges. Using this view makes understanding which keywords and phrases your competitors are targeting easier along with seeing how they stack up against your own efforts.
To view your new charts, visit the Competitor section in your Insights tab and select “Rankings & Findability” in the drop down. Scroll the the chart section at the bottom of the page and choose the Groups tab. Here you will se the keyword groups you have created.
Next, use the drop down in the top right of the chart to choose a competitor to view. From here you will be able to see their performance against the keyword groups you are currently tracking in your SEO dashboard.
By clicking on one of the colored group number squares, you are taken to the drill-down view of keywords that are ranking in that group.
Ranking Trend Competitor Report
This latest feature update allows you to select a competitor and view ranking changes at both the individual keyword and keyword group level.
To access this view, simply visit your Competitor tab and select “Rankings & Findability” from the drop down. From here, you can scroll to the chart at the bottom of the page and select the “Ranking Trends” chart.
Next, select the competitor you wish to view from the drop down box at the top left of the chart. This provides you the individual keyword ranking trend report.
To view the list by keyword group, use the drop down labeled Keywords and select “Groups.” You can now view your competitor’s ranking trends for your keyword groups over time.
Remember, you can change the date range selected using your dashboard filters to get precise views.
To improve your keyword ranking, be sure to visit the Recommendations tab in your dashboard and view suggested optimizations or contact us for more help.